Dauntless Baby Boomers

Current society attempts to paint aging as a descent into useless existence, versus framing retirement as ascension into the honorary place of profound elder wisdom. No wonder humans are so exhausted we want to retire, and resist doing so. This level of narcissistic discard on a societal level is ridiculous. Functional obsolescence is a real estate phrase, which seems applicable to life as well.

It seems funny, since the aha of aging reveals proving your worth isn’t a goal any more. At retirement a noticeable trend initiates in creating legacy for others. There is a whole ‘live with purpose’ conversation in your face with a sarcastic, ‘no time like the present’ universal nudge. lol.

Aging has ample aha’s. I’m not talking about the shock when you celebrate (or panic) over a decader birthday, or the parental shock when a child celebrates Sweet 16. I’m focused on the magic and wonder that lays between decades. Exponential differences validated by community and support systems that brainwash people into group-think, often the group-think people long to break free from.

Retirement Rebellion

Consistently fascinating that aging releases you to a new version of yourself at every decader. You can’t go back in time and you simply don’t care about most of the rules you were force fed, especially when you hit the upper decades. The rules are no longer relevant. You start to shake off the programming! Then you discover the rules never really mattered. The rules simply keep the community salmon all swimming in generally the same direction. Once you master this, you can’t un-see it. The rebellion becomes a roar, so it must be unplugged with system level coercive dynamics of do it the acceptable way and quietly get with the program. Time is broken, the rules useless.

This aging wisdom breaks EVERYTHING. The older you get, the more LIFE shifts to all about the experience. The rest is no longer important. The rules of engagement no longer apply. With terms of convenience like retirement (forced or early), long term care, independent living, sunset… People make it a goal to achieve and then bounce away from it until they dive into it.

It really doesn’t matter what society thinks, this generation has already been kettled into nice, neat little chutes. As this generation discovers this is a bait and switch, guaranteed they are going to do what they want…non-compliant…Their way! Their freedom and legacy awaits… worthy of epic resistance to road blocks and highly capable of solutions!

This sounds exactly like the younger generations potential!!!  I sure hope they will work together to expand on this magic potion…but that calls for a separate blog.

Rule Benders

There is such a shocking awakening that happens when a Baby Boomer realizes their biggest successes are not the rules obeyed, awards won, or promotions earned, but the love given and received; and often the rules broken, or at least bent.

Baby Boomers (1946-1964) success is defined around re-evaluating their passion that re-engages the heart, giving purpose to their new great adventure. Triggering genuine feel good moments. Helping someone because they want to and know how. Making a difference (MAD) in someone’s life with limited attachment to the outcome, simply because it empowers. Seeing the shocked smile on someone’s entire being, because their moment was exceptional too. Understanding that as time breaks, other generations will understand this…in time. The duality is strong!

The distinguished process of aging peacefully actually disconnects them from the system… sending them rogue in many ways. Money in retirement funds… but no reportable pay stub/ work income to take out a traditional loan. Truly FREE…unless they want to engage in the system outside the acceptable norm of retirement. Action to walk away from mayhem is not instantaneous, but starts the quest for sure.

IF only these things had been figured out earlier in life, when Baby Boomers had more energy and resolve to engage, instead now dedicating their energies into their new version (or the societal norm) of retirement or next life. Speaking in generalities of course.

Retirement Impact

Now Boomers disengage en masse. Why? …Because they can and they are burned out…spent.

Translated the IRS, global markets, and businesses need to change their expectations as their work horses are now grazing in other pastures, hopefully well seated in their investments, redirects of funds and plans to age in place. Economies stall, as this forecasted trend is leveraged for global change creating catastrophic division.

I ponder if the world chaos is an attempt to flush the aging out of their well-earned comfort zones. Clearly the global economies, including real estate and other nest eggs, are being forcefully shaken.

Life Experience

Baby Boomers created the infrastructure that made today’s systems, including designing AI. Now they are at the age to hopefully benefit from that ease, rather than be haunted by it. The Chief Google AI scientist (referred to as the Granddfather of AI) just resigned at 72 years old, claiming he is haunted by AI’s direction and the dark manipulations being implemented.

Boomers defined themselves by their accomplishments, contributions, their kids, income, material collections, independence, etc. They value calculated risk and engage as thought form leaders and independent! AND empower you independent too! They had arrived…founders and CEO’s of companies, driving all levels of society and economy, with successful kids out in the world.

As the ever shrinking, largest group of people on the planet, the Boomers aging activities now matter. Their profound business and community leadership is noticeably missing. These established leaders are looking away from our crumbling systems…retired. The big Boomer shift in attentions and motivating perspectives leaves the world scrambling AND massive change avalanching upon us.

Life Maze

As a Gen X/Baby Boomer cusp I have been fortunate to learn how to embrace the wisdom from my elders and youth, AND enjoy friends that have always given from the heart. Reciprocity is a deep value. I suspect others know this experience too, as many attempt to pay it forward as stewards and Ambassadors.

Elder Wisdom Unraveling

The power and value of passing down elder wisdom is being unraveled, encouraged to be discarded (a narcissistic phrase) as folklore. The dollar value Boomers have worked so hard for, quickly being manipulated obsolete. This is a heartless and manipulative process.

A huge youth value is now based in disconnection, virtual reality and virtue signaling, with the priority on hiding behind the squak or propaganda. Most youth full generations just want to fit in, this distortion now nurtures prolific apathy, hopelessness, dwindling thrive, anxiety off the charts, and bullying levels of extortion. I worry how alone and disconnected this leaves them!! The young ones that is…

The Gen X’s and remaining Boomers will do our best to empower the youth full generations, but if the control dynamics of bullying and abuse continue, we will rise… Dauntless. Please understand Boomers have nothing to gain by staying silent, and everything to lose, as the legacy loved ones are being messed with as is their dream of retirement.

The Baby Boomers will figure it out! In the meantime, I have much to noodle about as a rule-bending ambassador nested between two dramatic and outspoken generations…Noodling on.


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