Grief struggle for words
In grief, sometimes the words are tough to find…So I write. I hope these words help you find your way.
Love Spins Me
My heart breaks open
Grief leading the charge
Time marches on.
So many dreams – Adventures left un-played.
My heart yearns for the connection of yesterday.
So comfortable.
If I can only hold it together…
Then I don’t
I sense your joy and mischief
Your out loud laughter
Oh my heart.
My minds’ will numbed
The timeline of exits uncontrollable
Trying to make sense of the expanse between us,
so thin.
So excited to remember, so my heart never forgets
So excited to forget, that I continue to share
I share because I can
You’ve never been a better listener,
Love spins me. I miss you.
My minds eye shares another special moment
Seems like yesterday
How special WE are
Memories so close.
I whisper into your great new adventure
Good Night. I Love you.
I KNOW you can hear me.
I feel it in my soul.
Raising up another coffee cup hello
The continuity of another day.
Hello and Goodbye are never permanent
But love is!