Can the Process in Real Estate bring you Joy?
Can the process of Real Estate bring you Joy when things are going SO sideways in the world around us? It is very easy to get swept up in the fear and war mongering. Finding compassion and joy to experience success as you define it, even sharing your respect and kindness with others, represents a distinct road less travelled.
This subject is found on a real estate website, because the same is often true when you transact to buy or sell a house, AND especially true in todays’ market that is impacted by many aspects of the news. You are set up with propaganda, false promises, and epic Hollywood style confabulations around real estate reality. It can become a very long and arduous process, or you can choose to follow the flow of the good things, no matter how unexpected.
Something Shiny
Loving the phrase you are something shiny. You know it when this phrase applies to you, AND sometimes each of us just need to have this called out and validated. Ideally, you are seen by a total stranger with no agenda, or knowledge of you. They see your shiny self and say so. It feels good to your very core, and valid, because they have no agenda to say anything. Perhaps you are the one to see them…an equally shiny moment. You don’t know them, so you experience that stranger trust, similar to over-sharing with someone on an airplane.
What if you try so hard to sort out the experience, that you miss the serendipity right in front of you? There are many folklore tales and movies that address this thinking. In short, if you are trying so hard to be better or find a more publicly palatable solution, you often miss the magic of the opportunity entirely. I think it is called analysis paralysis. (Notably, analysis paralysis is often a trauma-based response). What if we all could pay attention to the whisper in our very core, at the exact moment we feel it, doing something that makes no sense in this wild world…until later. ‘You are something shiny, so BE it.’
Obviously, taking the side of life’s great adventure is my way of speaking from my heart. I would delight in being a bad influence on you this way…if that is called for, and relish seeing something unexpectedly shiny within you.
Rules of Engagement
When the rules seem to get in the way of my good heart, I reflect on the Outback Steakhouse tagline, “No rules. Just right.” Do what your heart calls you to do. Often it may make NO sense…but do it anyway, so you never regret not trying to follow inspiration and end up betraying your own good heart.
When you see the world through the eyes of your heart, you start to feel everything. That’s right, I said eyes of your heart… Not the ones in the back of your head.
Right now I feel worry, chaos, grief, fear, ‘what if’s’, even rage. It is an emotionally heavy world right now, with most of us feeling the strain, while doubling down on the logic of the eyes in the back of our head and other anxiety producing thinking.
Through my discerning heart, I get these feelings are not MY feelings, at least not at this extreme. I offer compassion, yet sometimes a contrasting opinion…but mostly focused on compassion. I can also feel the heartless actions in the world. Sigh…very dark. Choosing which influence you want to project forward in your own world is a huge decision. The default isn’t pretty these days.
I explore the chaos of the life pool as a treasure hunt to my growth. At some point, finding perfection in the chaos…ruh-roah. Turns out for me going through chaos, was the way out. Controlling it…not so pleasant.
IF chaos calls, honor it. In my opinion, it takes a long time to get to that accumulation point, so I must honor it within you. Please know my opinion doesn’t need to be right, I’m just loving each person where they are at and wishing them a more joy filled and spectacular ride, as this is a very malleable human reality we play in. Play well is my advice!! Sing along, Joy to the World…I’ll sing the harmony.
Magic in the Music
Right now it seems super easy to get stuck on one note of the song. Try another note! There is magic in the music.
You can’t control the exit doors or outcome of things, so best to get on with upgrading your experience and dressing up this life to something shiny. Living each moment as a tombstone moment, can set you free. Btw, did you know control is also low frequency…just sayin’. It is proven to cause the body catastrophic consequence and disease. AND besides, not much fun!
A favorite meme: Life’s a Game. Play hard.
There is a pounding of the current world stories that are intentionally causing chaos and spinning this potent time as a fear-based and divisively negative. In my humble opinion, your wish will be granted if you fixate on that truth. The fixation doesn’t change the headline, but the creative force within you is very different than the global narrative. Choose carefully!
This is not to say avoid the conversation, or the unfolding of the story into reality. See it and determine how your life will dance with that, or not. Life is not static…never has been. Right now darker frequencies are trying to get the whole global population to dance their darkest one note tune. No thank you…how boring. Embrace this dance partner if you’d like to, be mad at me for not doing it your way, or be inspired to stay unique and fly higher.
Empowerment lives here, and is worth the chase. There are no guarantees in life, but I am living proof of change your mind; change your life. When it is broken, let go. It can be terrifying, but so far, so worth it.
This is my dance…I invite you.